Betty Lucas is a fierce, independent Na-Cho Nyak Dun Elder armed with generations of knowledge passed down to her.

Our Stories

Mapping the Way celebrates and raises awareness about the Yukon's modern treaties – the Final and Self-Government Agreements. Read stories on the negotiation and implementation of the Agreements and the people and events that helped map the way to a new governance landscape for all Yukoners.
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Read our stories

Fort Selkirk Historic site
Fort Selkirk Historic site
As a living cultural heritage site, Fort Selkirk is a place to share, respect and preserve for future generations.
Yukon Association of Non-Status Indians
Yukon Association of Non-Status Indians
The Yukon Association of Non-Status Indians was founded in 1972 to represent and advocate for First Nations people who lost their status through discriminatory sections of Canada’s Indian Act.
Dakwäkäda Dancers welcome vaccine team to Da Kų Culture Centre in Haines Junction
The Yukon First Nations COVID Response Team takes on the pandemic through collaboration, advocacy and action
Throughout the pandemic, the team worked with Chiefs and administrative staff in Yukon First Nations. They also worked hard to meet regularly with various branches of the Yukon and federal governments.
Tombstone Territorial Park
Tombstone Territorial Park
Yukon’s Tombstone Territorial Park protects a unique wilderness of rugged peaks, permafrost landforms, abundant wildlife and rich First Nation
The Tatshenshini River
The Tatshenshini River
The Tatshenshini River is designated as a Canadian Heritage River in the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations' Final Agreement.
Boards, Committees and Councils Picture
Boards, Committees, and Councils give Yukoners a Voice in the Management of Land, Wildlife, Natural and Heritage Resources
The Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA) and Final Agreements called for the creation of over 20 boards, committees and councils.
Settlement Land and Traditional Territory
Settlement Land and Traditional Territory
Land ownership and management was a major reason that the Yukon Final and Self-Government Agreements were negotiated. These agreements give direction on who owns the land and how decisions about land are made.
Judy Gingell gives a thumbs up after signing the Umbrella Final Agreement in 1993.
Judy Gingell
For more than 40 years, Judy has promoted and advanced Indigenous rights and governance in the Yukon. Judy was part of the 1973 delegation to Ottawa that initiated the Yukon land claims negotiation process. As Chair of the Council of Yukon First Nations (1989-1995), she was instrumental in self-governance and land claims negotiation with the Government of Canada.
Sarah Johnston Smith
Sarah Johnston Smith
Sarah Johnston Smith works as an Organizational Development Consultant with the Yukon government, assisting groups to work more effectively together.