Kwanlin Dün First Nation
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Carcross / Tagish First Nation

Kusawa Territorial Park

Kusawa Territorial Park
View of Kusawa Territorial Park. Photo: Selene Vakharia

Kusawa Territorial Park is designated as a Special Management Area in two Land Claim Agreements and is part of three Traditional Territories: Carcross/Tagish, Champagne and Aishihik, and Kwanlin Dün First Nations.

The park has a unique natural and cultural history. Ancient travel routes date back thousands of years.

View of Kusawa Territorial Park and Kusawa Lake. Photo: John Meikle

The land claim agreements map out 3,081 square kilometres for the park. In 2016 the area became legally protected under the Parks and Land Certainty Act.

As a designated Special Management Area in Chapter 10 of the Agreements, the natural area of territorial and cultural significance will be protected, the history, heritage and culture of the three First Nations will be honoured, and the area will be preserved for generations to come.

The Final Agreements establish a number of Special Management Areas and outline how they will be jointly managed by the Government of Yukon, Canada and First Nations.

Special Management Areas can be protected through different laws depending on what needs safeguarding. The Yukon and National Parks Acts, Yukon and Canadian Wildlife Acts, and Yukon’s Heritage Resources Act are all laws that can be used to protect these areas.