Learn more about the Final and Self-Government Agreements
Our Resources

CBC news on Together Today for our Children Tomorrow
Watch this CBC video news broadcast from February 14, 1973, when the Yukon Native Brotherhood, led by Elijah Smith, along with a delegation of Yukon First Nation leaders, presented Together Today for our Children Tomorrow to the federal government.

Voices of Vision: An interview with John Burdek
John Burdek has long been a familiar face at many levels of government in the Yukon. Burdek, served as chairperson of the Ta'an Kwach'an Council, the First Nation of which he is a member, leading its transition from an Indian Act band to a self-governing First Nation.

Voices of Vision: An interview with Dave Joe
Dave Joe is a citizen of Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. He is a distinguished lawyer who was called to the bar in 1977 in the Yukon and in 1999 in British Columbia. Dave has worked as chief negotiator for the Council of Yukon First Nations and a number of Canadian First Nations.
Our Resource Collections
Video, podcast series and resource collections for educators, new Yukoners and more